SPECIAL NOTE: This section is intended for use by commercial passenger carrying vessels that hold a Certificate of Inspection. It may take as long as five seconds to load each link due to large file sizes. Be sure to highlight only those pages of the Coast Pilot and Light List that pertain to your route.

ASTS Drug Test Training Video
All Zone 2, 3, and 4 vessels must have drug testing kits aboard the vessel for use after a serious incident. This requirement is for vessels that travel further than 32 hours from port. This is not to be confused with the alcohol test kits. Please contact ASTS and buy your test kits immediately as the USCG may ask for them during your inspection period.
To order, please visit their website.
USCG Drug and Alcohol Training for Supervisors
USCG Sectors
The three USCG sector sites have extensive information including:
Notice to Mariners, Safety Zones, TWIC information, and telephone numbers for inspections, investigations, and emergencies.
USCG Casualty Report
USCG Form 2692 is the document to report a marine casualty. For commercial passenger carrying vessels you must notify the USCG when you have a reportable casualty. This form clearly explains when you should make a report. It is required that all reportable incidents be called in to USCG as soon as possible, if not immediately, after a reportable incident.
National Maritime Center
33 CFR 88.01 (g) requires "the operator of each self-propelled vessel 12 meters or more in length shall carry, on board and maintain for ready reference, a copy of these rules".
To order a copy of the New Navigation Rules Handbook click on the button.
This is the Coast Pilot for the CA Coast. Highlight only those pages that are within your route of operation per your Certificate of Inspection.

This is the Light List for the CA Coast. Highlight only those pages that are within your route of operation per your Certificate of Inspection.
Annually, SAC will provide every boat with test kits. If extras are needed, please order them using this link.